War Stories and PhotosPhotos and articles of battles I've attended. A couple are links to other web pages that agreed to post my work before I began writing my own HTML. |
Photos from my first battle, as an Allied at the 1997 Northeast Spring Regionals. These
pictures are posted on Ron Thibault's home
page, to return you'll have to use the BACK Command.
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The 1997 Nationals. When I realized I'd rather have fun than win (though winning is fun
too!). Click on the photo to read about my conversion to the AXIS. See photos of
the action here at Joe Kutz' 1997 NATS page.
Photo used with permission of Joe Kutz.
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A few photos from the 1997 Northeast Fall Regionals.
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Photos from the 1998 Northeast Spring Regionals, including the debut of the
RATS in official combat.
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1998 IR/CWCC Nationals. Many more photos at
Joe Kutz' 1998 NATS page.
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My Hullbusters article about the action on Wednesday of the 1998 IR/CWCC Nationals.
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1999 IR/CWCC Nationals. I spent most of my time battling so there aren't many action shots here.
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My Hullbusters article about the action on Thursday of the 1999 IR/CWCC Nationals.
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Some photos from the 2000 NorthEast Spring Fling held at the Heavenly Waters Park in March, 2000.
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Some photos from the 2000 NorthEast Spring Regional Battle held at the Y2K Nationals site in June, 2000.
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Photos from the 2000 IR/CWCC Nationals held in Bel Air, Maryland in July, 2000.
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Photos from the September 9, 2000 pick-up battle held in Bel Air, Maryland.
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The IR/CWCC 2000 Northeast Fall Regionals, held October 14 and 15 at Greenbrier State Park.
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On May 12-13, 2001 MAG hosted the IR/CWCC 2001 Northeast Spring Regionals held at Greenbrier State Park.
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The 2001 National Competition was held in July, 2001 in Johnston, Rhode Island. Here are a few photos.
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The 2005 NorthEast Fall Regionals was held 7-9 October at Greenbrier State Park in Hagerstown, MD. Here are a few photos.
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22 captains met at Camp Conron in New York for the 2006 National Competition. Take a look.
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